Scolecite and Stilbite Specimen


Scolecite is a stone of connections, patterns, and peace. It has energy for helping to see patterns of information, make connections, network, and collect patterns together. With this gentle yet powerful energy, these things are brought together- growing and improving relationships- understanding, stabilizing and improving organizations and groups and networking with people!

Scolecite can help you achieve a feeling of serenity even during difficult times, and enhances higher awareness. Folks who experience energy blockages may find Scolecite helpful, as it can break through stagnant energies, emotional, physical, and mental, allowing for a flow of energies through all of the Chakras.

Stilbite is also one of the best stones for advancing your manifestation practice. These clusters help to quiet the mind, promoting peaceful, sound sleep when you place one on your nightstand. If you’re working on interpreting your dreams, keep your stilbite crystals near you while you sleep to encourage vivid dreams and better understand of their significance in your life. Stilbite brings the same tranquility to your meditation. For those who have trouble sitting still in meditation, this crystal can help to clear the mind of the anxiety cluttering even your unconscious thoughts.

Size: 15.5cm by 13cm / weight: 544 grams

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